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Dr. Teel's wrongful death case against Indian River County Dep. Lozada may be reviewed by Supreme Court

After the Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals overruled a lower court’s decision to dismiss the $10-million wrongful-death case filed against Indian River County Sheriff’s Office Deputy Jonathan Lozada, Dep. Lozada filed a Petition for Writ of Certiorari to the Supreme Court of the United States.

Below is a link to Plaintiff and Respondent, Dr. Dudley Teel’s, Brief in Opposition to Lozada’s Petition. The question presented to the Supreme Court is “Whether every reasonable police officer would have known that restraining Susan Teel by shooting her three times without warning was not “objectively reasonable in light of the facts and circumstance confronting [the officer].”

The Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals has found that a jury could conclude that Deputy Lozada had numerous options available to him to eliminate any threat he may have felt in his interaction with Susan Teel.

Guy RubinComment